Resources For Beginning or Returning Writers

Books and Other Resources To Get You Into the Writing Mind

Disclosure: Please note that some of the links in this post are affiliate links and if you go through them to make a purchase I will earn a small commission. Please note that I have used these products or know about them and that is why I choose to include them.

I took a long break with writing. About 3 years. After consistently writing for years, life took over, work and business (City Owl Press) took over, and my writing drive had fled. Now, I’m finally finding myself getting excited about writing again and feeling the way I did when I began writing in the first place. With two potential series in the works, an urban fantasy/paranormal romance and a contemporary romance one, I’m ready to dive in and make it all happen. And I’m looking at various resources and books I can read to help me get back to my writing career. So I thought I’d talk about a few of them here and hopefully, they can help you as well.


The Novel Factory – has some great fun resources, such as character questionnaires, world building questionnaires, as well as resources for those who want to subscribe (with a free trial).

Scrivener – I’m sure you’ve head of this application before, but I’m just dipping my toe into using it and learning more about it, so I wanted to mention it. Scrivener prides itself on being the “go-to app for writers of all kinds, used every day by best-selling novelists, screenwriters, non-fiction writers, students, academics, lawyers, journalists, translators and more.” It provides various ways for a writer to put together everything in one place – notes, outlines, research, etc. – and write. It also has a feature to help you track your word count goals and much more.

Fiction Hub – a site I just recently discovered, which collects “best learning resources for aspiring artists”. It has some interesting and fun articles and resources. You do have to create an account with them to log in and see the resources.

Chris Fox – the author of Write to Market (see link below) and other writing books, has a great section of writer resources and articles on his website.


As I mentioned before, Write to Market is a great little book to read if you want to be published and make money with your writing. Here it is:

Another book I enjoy is Emotions Thesaurus by Angela Ackerman and Becca Puglisi. They also have a number of other books, like the Positive Trait Thesaurus, The Negative Trait Thesaurus and others.

One more book I would recommend is No Plot? No Problem! It is written by the founder of NaNoWriMo, the National Novel Writing Month (which is in November):

That’s it for now, but I’ll do a Part 2 soon.

I would love to hear about the resources, websites and books that help you with your writing. Please leave a comment.

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