Website and Blog are now live!

And I'm excited to share this journey with you

I would like to welcome everyone to my blog – which is finally back!

So what exactly is my blog going to be about, you may wonder. Well, as you may know, I’m an author and an artist, so this blog will represent both of these worlds. However, what I really love to do is support and encourage all the creative people out there. And so, much of my posts will concentrate on inspirational and motivational messages, tips and strategies for the creatives, whether they are writers, or artists. Mondays will focus on inspirational and motivational posts, Wednesdays will be writing and book related, while Fridays will generally be dedicated to various art topics and artist features and interviews,

Other content will include guest posts by authors and artists, showcasing art/artists, promoting great books that are releasing (especially in the romance, speculative fiction, historical fiction and self-help genres) and anything else that I would feel can inspire and motivate or promote the creative community.

Please let me know if you’d like to see posts on any specific topics in the future on this blog.

Next week, I will also share a link to sign up for my new newsletters, as well as my new art page, which is currently in the process of being set up. Meanwhile, head on over to the HERE to sign up for the Team Ninja Newsletter to get a FREE eBook.

I can’t wait to start this journey with you!

P.S. Please bear with me while I learn and explore the wonderful world of WordPress and what I can do with it!

Make sure to follow me on social media (links below) for fresh content, announcements and other awesome stuff!

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