How To Make Your Mondays Awesome

Mondays are hard. But they don't have to be!

Mondays are hard.

We all know that. And they come no matter how we feel.

But there’s good news. You can use certain strategies and tricks to make your Monday better and to set yourself up for a good and productive week right a the start.

  1. Make sure to get good night’s sleep and wake up feeling refreshed and ready to take on the week – and the world.
  2. I know my mood always improves when I have something to look forward to. So each Monday morning, sit down and write out at least 3 things you’re looking forward to this week. It could be a long-awaited lunch with a friend later in the week, an awesome announcement you’ve been waiting to post, finishing a big project, working on your business (but make sure it’s something that’s fun and you can get excited about, not something you’re dreading) or going to see a movie that you’ve been dying to see at the end of the week. It could even be a simple pleasure like listing to a good book on your commute, or playing the new tunes you downloaded over the weekend. After you write those down, look at them and really get excited.
  3. Make Monday your light day to get yourself into the week nice and slow without extra stress. Do at least one thing that you enjoy. Or take it the other way and do the biggest, or the scariest, things on Monday so the rest of your week is easier. Try it both ways for a few weeks and see what works for you and your life better.
  4. On the heels of the previous strategy, do something really productive. Checking off a few tasks and being super productive on Monday will give you a feeling of accomplishment that you will want to repeat all week long.
  5. Stay hydrated all day long and get up every hour to stretch or walk around, especially if you have sedentary work in an office (writers, I’m looking at you too). Doing this will give you extra bursts of energy like nothing else can.

How do you beat the Monday blues? Leave your tricks and strategies in the comment below and I’ll publish them in another post in the future.

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