Favorite Watercolor Artists – Set 1 + World Watercolor Month

List of my favorite artists (set 1) & their websites + Info on the World Watercolor Month in July

Watercolor is, and always will be, my first love as far as the art mediums go. Looking at work of other super-talented watercolor artists gives me constant and consistent inspiration for my own art. Here, I will share the first set of my favorite watercolor artist and their website.

Vladimir Tuporshin

Alexander Creswell

Keiko Tanabe

Thomas W. Schaller

Olga Litvinenko

Lorna Pauls



Starting Monday, July 1st, I will be participating in the World Watercolor Month. This will be the 2nd year that I’m participating and I’m excited to see what paintings will come out of it this year.

World Watercolor Month (click on the link for more info) is a global annual event, where artists are encouraged to paint a watercolor a day for the whole month of July. This is a charitable event to support arts education, and all the proceeds form the World Watercolor Month store go towards that.

There is a list of prompts, although you don’t have to follow it. If you participate in this event,don’t forget to use the hashtag #WorldWatercolorMonth when posting on social media. You can also join the the global gallery.

If you’re going to participate, good luck and have fun!

Next week, I will share some of the great Facebook art groups you can join.

Who are your favorite artists? Share in the comments and I will collect and make another post. Are you going to participate in the World Watercolor Month this year?

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