What Can You Achieve In A Month

Take one month to discover what you can accomplish in 30 days

30 or 31 days. When a month starts, it seems like a lot. It usually goes very fast, but it is a wonderful opportunity, an invitation, to treat each month as a new beginning.

New Year’s resolutions are hard. By now, we all know that. We are always excited about making these resolutions, but they generally don’t last long. But what if we treated each month as that and made monthly resolutions? What if we get excited each month the same as we get excited each new year? Imagine the possibilities. 30 days are a lot easier to handle than 365 days.

So, what can you do, what can you accomplish, achieve in those 30 days? Here are just some of the suggestions.

  • Take a one month-challenge, whether it’s a creative challenge such painting or writing each day of the month for that month or doing a fitness challenge. Some ideas for challenges:
  1. follow a prompt art challenge, such as the World Watercolor Month
  2. do a writing sprint (alone or with others) every day for a month. Or even 5 days a week, if the whole week is not an option. There are plenty of groups on Twitter and Facebook that you can join to do this with others.
  3. develop one art skill (i.e., painting animals or landscapes only each day for one month)
  4. walk for half an hour to an hour each day, no matter what
  5. do one thing every day to move your business forward
  • Pick one or two good habits you want to develop and commit to those habits for one month (yes, you generally need more than a month to really make a habit stick but for many, doing something for 30 days straight will make it much easier to continue). Plus, you will have a chance to see if the habit is something that you truly want to develop and if it fits your life
  • If nothing else, you can spend the month developing an actionable plan for the rest of your year. I do however recommend that you start working on at least one goal that month.
  • Set a reward for yourself that you will enjoy at the end of the month if you’re able to finish your challenges. Celebrate your accomplishments.

What do you want to accomplish if you take a one-month challenge? How will you reward yourself? Leave me a comment

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