Overcome a Creative Block

Tips and Strategies to Get Through a Creative Block

Creative blocks are frustrating and discouraging to go through, whether you’re a writer, an artist or any other creative. They can be scary (will I ever get my creative muse back?) and even depressing. Luckily, there are plenty of strategies you can try to overcome these darker creative times. Here, I offer you a few.  Remember, as I say with many of my posts, to try and see what works for you personally. It may be very different from what works for someone you may know going through the same obstacles.

  1. Don’t be afraid of them. Creative blocks are never permanent, even if some may take a little longer to disappear. Be patient with yourself and the process.
  2. I’m sure you’ve hard it before, but it works well: carry a notebook with you everywhere so when ideas do come, you have a ready and available tool to record them. You can also use your phone, although sometimes writing by hand is better for unlocking creativity. Even keep a notebook by your bed. Ideas often come in dreams or in the silent hours of the night.
  3. Brainstorm in your notebook. Many ideas may not seem viable or right at the moment but the exercise will help other ideas appear.
  4. Look for inspiration everywhere. Start with the artists or writers that you love, but don’t stop there. Inspiration can quiet literally come from anywhere – while you’re on the train commuting, taking a walk at a local park, sitting at a cafe or watching TV. The world is full of it. Just open your mind to seeing it no matter where you are.
  5. Don’t force it. Do something else. The distraction is often helpful to re-set your mind. Take a walk in nature. Go for a swim. Try writing if you’re an artist or painting of you’re an author. Meditation and visualization are great, if they works for you. They are definitely worth a try. Just don’t let go of the creativity, in whatever form is has to come, while you’re waiting for your personal creative block to disappear. Create even if you are think it’s not good. Creativity does not equal perfectionism.

What strategies do you use to overcome creative blocks? Share with me in the comments.

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