Interview with artist Nancy Davis

I’m excited to share a new feature on my blog. On Fridays, the blog will feature either an interview or a guest post by an artist.

And so, I welcome artist Nancy Davis.


Nancy, it’s great to have you on here today! Let’s  get started.

  1. Which mediums do you paint with? What painting styles do you like?

In the last decade, I’ve mainly concentrated on watercolor painting, but I also like the slower drying acrylic paints for both painting and monotypes using a gel plate. These prints often become backgrounds in my mixed media pieces. I appreciate more time creating the composition on the plate before it dries up.

The artwork I appreciate most is loose and “suggests” the subject rather than banging you over the head with it. I’m striving to paint with less detail!

In The Wrack

  1. Are you a self-taught or a professionally trained artist? If professionally trained, please talk a little bit about your training

Before I started college, I had almost no art instruction. I began university in the school of architecture but after I finished calculus and physics, I took a few painting classes and changed my major to fine art. Fundamentals were helpful and the life drawing a good experience, but in the eighties, studio painting classes offered critique but almost no instruction. Watercolor was looked down upon unless you were pursuing a career in illustration.

Until 2012 or so, I just painted on my own. I was completely unaware of the watercolor community. One of my first workshops was with John Salminen. Talk about being thrown into the deep end! I learned so much in his workshop that I then went on a four-year spree of attending workshops by others. I learned some layered portrait painting from Jane Paul Angelhart, negative painting techniques from Lian Quan Zhen, combining casein with watercolor from Ann Abgott, and sketchbook techniques from Iain Stewart. At the end of those years, I have been trying to get back to my self-developed style, while incorporating some of he skills I’ve gained.

Seven Beacons

  1. What are your favorite subjects to paint?

I learned to snorkel and SCUBA dive in my teens. It’s the only time other than when I’m painting that hours fly by in shocking fashion! Underwater life is a favorite subject: fish, turtles, sea fans, coral, etc!

Birds have probably been the most numerous subject in my work. They are such readily available models!


  1. You mentioned in your bio on Instagram you are a nature lover. How does this impact your art?

I find mundane or tiny things in nature fascinating. I even bought a computer microscope to see things smaller than my eye can focus on. I walk a lot and can’t go far without stopping to look at something or taking a photograph. Just yesterday, I came home with a dragonfly that I found on the sidewalk. I get excited to see little spiral shapes on vines or the star shapes in coral. Sometimes, I just have to paint them!

Gunner and Hunter

  1. What are some of your other interests?

The majority of my activities are art-centered these days, but if I’m not in the studio, I’m probably cooking or reading. I love to do stand-up-paddle-boarding, but I’m currently rehabbing my shoulder from an injury resulting from moving last year.

Chestnut Turban

  1. What advice would you give beginner artists?

Paint as often as possible.

Find a community of artists, preferably IRL, but if that is not possible find similarly minded people online. You need someone to celebrate your successes with you and pick you up when you are feeling low. Plus, you’ll learn about materials, the best ways to present your art, and shows to enter.

As far as materials go, buy the best you can afford. In watercolor, I rank importance at 1) paints 2) paper 3) brushes. There are some great synthetic brushes out there.

Heron In Mangroves

Thank you Nancy for being here and for being the first interview on my new blog!

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