This Year Move Past Your Creative Fears

Pushing Beyond Our Creative Fears Opens Up A Whole New World

What motivates and inspires your creativity? What creative fears are holding you prisoner?

We all love seeing our art come out great. Yet, more than 50% will probably not come out as satisfactory to you as you want it to be. And you know what – that’s ok. Because without that, you can’t learn and you can’t produce the art that you really love. Without experimentation, trial and error, and just creating even when you’re not inspired, you are stuck.

My husband, who is my biggest champion, always asks me why I don’t try to paint this or that. Or why I don’t use larger paper or canvas. He has never really been afraid to try and fail (although on the other hand, he’s a crazy perfectionist – and I say that lovingly. Not sure how the two work together in harmony but I digress).

It’s hard to explain to him or to others sometimes that it’s not wasting the paper or a canvas – or staring at a blank sheet of paper as a writer, that stops me, it’s the fear of not producing a work of art or a piece of writing that I’m satisfied with, and wasting precious time that I’m short on as it is. It’s feeling irritated because that’s what happened when all you wanted was an outlet for your stress or anxiety or depression.

I have to push myself when I feel those fears. A lot. But when I do, the satisfaction I get from trying something new is indescribable. And yes, it’s even more fun when it comes out the way I wanted it to (or better). But it’s also a good feeling when you know you pushed yourself and tried. It gives you motivation and inspiration to try again, to let your fears go in the future.

So this year, I made a promise to myself to try more, to push myself beyond my fears and limitations in my art and to learn from all my trails, errors and mistakes without judgment or negativity. And I hope that you are able to do that as well.

Some of my goals for this year, besides actual art creation, is to  get out of my comfort zone and start an art/artistic inspiration YouTube channel, improve my animal and architecture drawing and painting, and finishing one of my started novels.

What are your creative goals for 2020?

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